Your selected tickets will expire

Wallabies v Los Pumas

Customise Package

| 12 - 14 September


2 Nights

Allianz Stadium

Sorry, your reservation has expired and we've redirected you back to the package you were booking. Please try again.

Wallabies v Los Pumas


Experience the ultimate weekend in Sydney with our Green Package. Get all the inclusions of our Supporters package, with the addition of an official match day experience and match day transfers. 


  • 2 Nights' Accommodation at Sydney Harbour Marriott inc daily breakfast
  • Wallabies Travel Match Day Experience
  • Official Merchandise
  • Category 1 ticket included 
  • Match Day Transfers

Customise your package

Customise this package below

{{ componentIndex+1 }}.

{{ component.Title }}

This package is sold out!

How many people are you booking for?*

Online bookings are available up to a maximum of 12 people. For groups of 13 or more with a single source of payment, please contact our team and we will be happy to assist.

A single room supplement will be charged for odd passenger numbers.

{{ hotel.CustomTag }}
This field is required.

Please indicate your preference of {{ roomLabel }} *

*A single room supplement of {{ component.SelectedHotel.SingleSupplementFee | currency }} will be charged for this single room.

This field is required.
Remove room
* Error: Sorry, you have added too few passengers. Please adjust the number of passengers per room. * Error: Sorry, you have added too many passengers. Please adjust the number of passengers per room.
{{ ticket.CustomTag }}
This field is required.

Your selected tickets will expire

Your reservation has expired

{{ arena.ArenaName }}

Reserving your tickets...

{{ ticket.Title }}

Error: {{ arena.TicketReservations.ErrorMessage }}
Your selected ticket expires
Your reservation has expired

This field is required.
Please select a ticket category above

Your selected tickets will expire

Your reservation has expired

Tournament Day {{ day.TournamentDay }} {{ day.Date | date: 'd MMMM' }}

If you don't wish to go to a game on this day you can skip it.

Choose which sessions you'd like to go on this day, or switch one off.

{{ session.SessionName }}
{{ session.SelectedTicket.GateOpenTime }}
This field is required.
This field is required.
Reserving your tickets... Finding the best options for your seats...

Error: {{ session.SelectedSeatingOption.ErrorMessage }}

Your selected ticket expires

Selected option

Your reservation has expired

Error: {{ session.SeatingOptions.ErrorMessage }}

Options will expire

Option {{ optionIndex+1 }}

Oops! Unfortunately the ticket category you've selected is sold out. Please select another category to continue your AO journey.

You need to select an option or skip this session.

Add a Premium Experience

{{ experience.Title }}

All days must be confirmed before you can proceed. You must select at least one session.

{{ experienceDate | date: 'd MMMM yyyy' }}

{{ experience.Title }}

{{ experience.SessionName }}
{{ component.Subtitle || component.Title }}
Included in package

{{ component.DateRange }}

{{ component.Location }}

{{ component.NumberOfNights }} Nights

{{ activity.CustomTag }}
This field is required.

A single room supplement of {{ component.SelectedActivity.SingleSupplementFee | currency }} has been included in your price.

{{ addOn.Title }}

What is {{ component.ComponentType }}

Your package total

{{ getTotal() | currency }}

Or pay in {{ getNumberOfMonths() }} monthly payments of {{ getMonthlyPayments() | currency }}

Your package

Wallabies v Los Pumas


Wallabies v Argentina - Sydney - Green Package - 12th - 14th September 2025


  • 2 Night's Accommodation at Sydney Harbour Marriott inc daily breakfast
  • Wallabies Travel Match Day Day Experience
  • Official Merchandise
  • Category 1 ticket included 
  • Match Day Transfers


Edit {{ component.SubTotal | currency }}

{{ component.Title }}


{{ component.NumberOfPeople }}

Hotel Selection

Edit {{ component.SubTotal | currency }}

{{ component.SelectedHotel.Title }}

Includes a Single Room Supplement of {{ getSingleSupplementFee() | currency }}

  • Room {{room.Ordinal}}: {{getRoomTypeName(room)}}

Ticket Type

Edit {{ component.SubTotal | currency }}
Edit Included

{{ component.SelectedTicket.Title }}

Ticket Type

Edit {{ component.SubTotal | currency }}
Edit Included

{{ arenaTicket.ArenaName }} - {{ arenaTicket.SectionName }}

{{ component.Title }}

Edit {{ component.SubTotal | currency }} Included

{{ experienceDate | date: 'd MMMM yyyy' }}

  • {{ experience.Title }} - Included {{ experience.Title }} - {{ experience.Price | currency }} per person (x{{ component.ExperienceKey[experience.ExperienceKey] }} people)

Tickets & Premium Experiences

Tournament Day {{ day.TournamentDay }} - {{ day.Date | date: 'd MMMM, yyyy' }}

Day skipped
{{ session.SessionName }}
Session Skipped

{{ session.SelectedTicket.ArenaName }} - {{ session.SelectedTicket.SectionName }} - {{ session.SelectedTicket.Price | currency }} per ticket (x{{ selectedNumberOfPeople}} ticket{{(selectedNumberOfPeople != 1 ? 's' : '')}})

View stadium map

Premium Experiences
  • {{ experience.Title }} - {{ experience.Price | currency }} (x{{ experienceQuantity }} {{( sessionKey.ExperienceKey[experience.ExperienceKey] == 1 ? 'person' : 'people' )}})

Edit {{ day.SubTotal | currency }}


Edit {{ component.SubTotal | currency }}

{{ component.SelectedActivity.Title }}

{{ component.SelectedActivity.Date | date: 'd MMM, yyyy' }}

Includes a Single Room Supplement of {{ component.SelectedActivity.SingleSupplementFee | currency }}.

Additional Add-ons

{{ addOn.Title }}



Package Total

{{ getTotal() | currency }}

Includes a Single Room Supplement of {{ getSingleSupplementFee() | currency }}

Pay in instalments

You can choose to pay in instalments.
No deposit and {{ getNumberOfMonths() }} monthly payments of {{ getMonthlyPayments() | currency }}.
Conditions apply.