Your selected tickets will expire

Test Match 1


Customise Package

17th - 20th July 2025


3 Nights

Suncorp Stadium

Sorry, your reservation has expired and we've redirected you back to the package you were booking. Please try again.

Your Package Summary



  • 3 Nights' Accommodation at hotel the W Brisbane, inc daily breakfast
  • Official Lions Tour Merchandise pack
  • Category 2 ticket included (ticket upgrade available)


Customise your package

Customise this package below

{{ componentIndex+1 }}.

{{ component.Title }}

This package is sold out!

How many people are you booking for?*

Online bookings are available up to a maximum of 12 people. For groups of 13 or more with a single source of payment, please contact our team and we will be happy to assist.

A single room supplement will be charged for odd passenger numbers.

{{ hotel.CustomTag }}
This field is required.

Please indicate your preference of {{ roomLabel }} *

*A single room supplement of {{ component.SelectedHotel.SingleSupplementFee | currency }} will be charged for this single room.

This field is required.
Remove room
* Error: Sorry, you have added too few passengers. Please adjust the number of passengers per room. * Error: Sorry, you have added too many passengers. Please adjust the number of passengers per room.
{{ ticket.CustomTag }}
This field is required.

Your selected tickets will expire

Your reservation has expired

{{ arena.ArenaName }}

Reserving your tickets...

{{ ticket.Title }}

Error: {{ arena.TicketReservations.ErrorMessage }}
Your selected ticket expires
Your reservation has expired

This field is required.
Please select a ticket category above

Your selected tickets will expire

Your reservation has expired

Tournament Day {{ day.TournamentDay }} {{ day.Date | date: 'd MMMM' }}

If you don't wish to go to a game on this day you can skip it.

Choose which sessions you'd like to go on this day, or switch one off.

{{ session.SessionName }}
{{ session.SelectedTicket.GateOpenTime }}
This field is required.
This field is required.
Reserving your tickets... Finding the best options for your seats...

Error: {{ session.SelectedSeatingOption.ErrorMessage }}

Your selected ticket expires

Selected option

Your reservation has expired

Error: {{ session.SeatingOptions.ErrorMessage }}

Options will expire

Option {{ optionIndex+1 }}

Oops! Unfortunately the ticket category you've selected is sold out. Please select another category to continue your AO journey.

You need to select an option or skip this session.

Add a Premium Experience

{{ experience.Title }}

All days must be confirmed before you can proceed. You must select at least one session.

{{ experienceDate | date: 'd MMMM yyyy' }}

{{ experience.Title }}

{{ experience.SessionName }}
{{ component.Subtitle || component.Title }}
Included in package

{{ component.DateRange }}

{{ component.Location }}

{{ component.NumberOfNights }} Nights

{{ activity.CustomTag }}
This field is required.

A single room supplement of {{ component.SelectedActivity.SingleSupplementFee | currency }} has been included in your price.

{{ addOn.Title }}

What is {{ component.ComponentType }}

Your package total

{{ getTotal() | currency }}

Or pay in {{ getNumberOfMonths() }} monthly payments of {{ getMonthlyPayments() | currency }}

Your package

Test Match 1 Brisbane


Brisbane 3 Night Package - 17th - 20th July 2025


  • 3 Nights' Accommodation at the W Brisbane, inc daily breakfast
  • Official Lions Tour Merchandise pack
  • Official Match Ticket (ticket type below)



Edit {{ component.SubTotal | currency }}

{{ component.Title }}


{{ component.NumberOfPeople }}

Hotel Selection

Edit {{ component.SubTotal | currency }}

{{ component.SelectedHotel.Title }}

Includes a Single Room Supplement of {{ getSingleSupplementFee() | currency }}

  • Room {{room.Ordinal}}: {{getRoomTypeName(room)}}

Ticket Type

Edit {{ component.SubTotal | currency }}
Edit Included

{{ component.SelectedTicket.Title }}

Ticket Type

Edit {{ component.SubTotal | currency }}
Edit Included

{{ arenaTicket.ArenaName }} - {{ arenaTicket.SectionName }}

{{ component.Title }}

Edit {{ component.SubTotal | currency }} Included

{{ experienceDate | date: 'd MMMM yyyy' }}

  • {{ experience.Title }} - Included {{ experience.Title }} - {{ experience.Price | currency }} per person (x{{ component.ExperienceKey[experience.ExperienceKey] }} people)

Tickets & Premium Experiences

Tournament Day {{ day.TournamentDay }} - {{ day.Date | date: 'd MMMM, yyyy' }}

Day skipped
{{ session.SessionName }}
Session Skipped

{{ session.SelectedTicket.ArenaName }} - {{ session.SelectedTicket.SectionName }} - {{ session.SelectedTicket.Price | currency }} per ticket (x{{ selectedNumberOfPeople}} ticket{{(selectedNumberOfPeople != 1 ? 's' : '')}})

View stadium map

Premium Experiences
  • {{ experience.Title }} - {{ experience.Price | currency }} (x{{ experienceQuantity }} {{( sessionKey.ExperienceKey[experience.ExperienceKey] == 1 ? 'person' : 'people' )}})

Edit {{ day.SubTotal | currency }}


Edit {{ component.SubTotal | currency }}

{{ component.SelectedActivity.Title }}

{{ component.SelectedActivity.Date | date: 'd MMM, yyyy' }}

Includes a Single Room Supplement of {{ component.SelectedActivity.SingleSupplementFee | currency }}.

Additional Add-ons

{{ addOn.Title }}

Package Total

{{ getTotal() | currency }}

Includes a Single Room Supplement of {{ getSingleSupplementFee() | currency }}

Pay in instalments

You can choose to pay in instalments.
No deposit and {{ getNumberOfMonths() }} monthly payments of {{ getMonthlyPayments() | currency }}.
Conditions apply.